about pxlnic

In order to merge my creative and technical endeavors (along with my "nerd" interests) into one persona, I created the concept of pxlnic.

Personally, I’ve been a lifelong gamer, creator, and technology hobbyist. I love making new things, whether it’s art or a website, and writing on subjects that interest me. I’ve also found fulfillment in tinkering with technology and self-hosting services to better understand how it all works.

Professionally, I’ve spent my adult life in the technology industry. I started out in customer service and operations for a major telecommunications company, and I’m currently an Information Security Specialist for a state agency. The journey was tough getting here, but I don't regret a single step.

This site is the culmination of all of my art and development projects, as well as my hobbies and interests, and I hope you'll come along with me for the journey.

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dev & designer
tech professional

the artist

I have been a creator for most of my life. In late 2019, that hobby became a true passion when I started creating Pixel Art. I found the Pixel Dailies community on Twitter and started creating new art almost every day. I’ve participated in several challenges, collaborations, and even worked on a couple of commissions. I haven’t always been consistent in posting content, but my goal is to find my rhythm again and engage with the community more.


minimal colors
real world items

featured works